In an age of chaos, we believe that God’s love is the only constant.
In an age of anxiety, we believe that real peace comes from Jesus Christ.
In an age of confusion, we believe that the Bible is the Word of God, without error.
In an age of doubt, we believe that Jesus is true God who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
In a self-centered age, we believe that all people are sinful, and therefore deserve God’s punishment.
In an age of guilt, we believe that Jesus died on a cross to win forgiveness for us.
In an age of helplessness, we believe that Jesus removed the power of sin from our lives.
In an age of hopelessness, we believe that Jesus rose from death and we, too, will rise to live with him in heaven.
In an age of skepticism, we believe that God is at work in our lives
through His Word and the sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
In an age of despair, we believe God’s promises to heal and transform us.
In an age of violence, we believe that God calls us to embody His love in the world.
In an age of constant change, we believe in the unchanging Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.